Article describes installation of outdoor temperature sensor in Ford Focus MK2. It describes a retro-fitting process, ie. after gauge change to lifted version, but it can help in many other cases, ie. if we only want to discover outdoor temperature sensor’s location.
Required tools:
– car key – we’ll be unable to open the hood without it,
– Phillips screwdriver PH2.
Outdoor temperature sensor, which will fit to Ford Focus MK2 (but also to ie. Fiesta, Fusion, Mondeo, Kuga, C-Max, S-Max etc.), looks like this.

Sensor’s marks:
6PT 004741-06
1S7F-10K 936-AA
Ford’s part numbers: 1117860, 1488894.
Without sensor installed, our gauges looks like this:

Without readings from outdoor temperature sensor our gauges show three dashes. Also we can see red snowflake icon, which means that outside temperature is below 1°C.
Sensor is located on the front crash member, just behind the bumper. First step to fit our outside temp sensor is to open the hood and disassemble front grille.

With screwdriver unscrew and remove threaded bolts (they are blocking clips) marked red, remove clips, and loose locks marked orange.
Gently push grille to front. Disengage front lock’s joint.

Just after front grille removal.

Now we can enough space to install our temp sensor.

On the picture above you can see the place for sensor (marked red), and its connector (marked orange).
Pull off dummy plug from socket, install temp sensor and connect it to the socket. Make sure that the socket is clean and you can lock sensor’s connector.
Fitted sensor looks like this.

After connecting our temp sensor, gauge readings changes to -40°C.
WARNING: During refitting the grille make sure that you locked the front lock’s joint (see picture below). Otherwise you’ll be unable to open the hood!

Temperature grows very very slow.

We can speed up this process by the gauge reset. To reset our gauges, just pull off for a while a 10Amps fuse marked F46 from main fuse box.

F46 is 4th fuse from left in upper row (marked red).

After gauge reset, we have correct readings instantly, but we’ve lost all gauge’s data (ie. clock, powersteering settings, average speed and fuel consumption etc.).