Year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010
Engine Compartment Fuse Block
The engine compartment fuse block is located on the driver side of the engine compartment, near the battery.
Fuses | Usage |
FAN MAIN | Cooling Fan Main |
REAR/WPR | Rear Wiper Motor |
FAN AUX | Cooling Fan Auxiliary |
ECM/ TCM/SGCM | Engine Control Module/ Transmission Control Module/ Serial Data Gateway Communication Module |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ENG-3 | Engine 3 |
ENG-2 | Engine 2 |
ENG-1 | Engine 1 |
HYBRID BEC | Not Used |
RUN | Run |
S/ROOF | Sunroof Module |
HTD/SEAT | Heated Seat Control Module |
BCM | Body Control Module |
STRTR | Starter Motor |
WPR | Windshield Wiper |
4WD/ESCM | All-Wheel Drive System |
ABS | Antilock Brake System Module |
A/C CLTCH | Air Conditioning Compressor |
BLWR MTR | Blower Motor |
BLWR MTR | Blower Motor |
AMP | Amplifier |
HORN | Horn |
ABS | Antilock Brake System Module |
I/P BEC | Instrument Panel Bussed Electrical Center |
FRT FOG | Front Fog Lamps |
I/P BEC | Instrument Panel Bussed Electrical Center |
DRL | Daytime Running Light |
T/LAMP RT | Right Marker and Parking Lamps |
T/LAMP LT | Left Marker and Parking Lamps |
TRLR T/LAMP | Trailer Parking Lamps |
HDLP HI LT | Passenger Side High-Beam Headlamp |
STOP LP | Stoplamps |
DEFOG | Defroster Fog |
HDLP LO RT | Driver Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
HDLP LO LT | Passenger Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
HDLP HI RT | Driver Side High-Beam Headlamp |
OSRVM HTR | Outside Rearview Mirror Heating |
Relays | Usage |
FAN MAIN RLY | Cooling Fan Main Relay |
FAN CTRL RLY | Cooling Fan Control Relay |
FAN AUX RLY | Cooling Fan Auxiliary Relay |
PWR/ TRN RLY | Engine Control Module/CAM, Canister, Injectors, Electronic Throttle Control Relay |
STRTR RLY | Starter Relay |
RUN RLY | Run Relay |
A/C CLTCH RLY | Air Conditioning Compressor Relay |
WPR SPD RLY | Windshield Wiper Speed Relay |
HORN RLY | Horn Relay |
WPR CNTRL RLY | Windshield Wiper Control Relay |
T/LAMP RLY | Parking Lamp Relay |
HDLP HI RLY | High-Beam Headlamp Relay |
HDLP LO RLY | Low‐Beam Headlamp Relay |
FRT FOG RLY | Front Foglamp Relay |
STOP LP RLY | Stoplamp Relay |
DEFOG RLY | Defogger Relay |
Instrument Panel Fuse Block
The instrument panel fuse block is located on the passenger side of the lower console.
Fuses | Usage |
PWR SEAT | Power Seat |
PASS P/WIN | Passenger Side Power Window |
DRIV P/WIN | Driver Side Power Window |
S/ROOF | Sunroof Module |
CIGAR | Cigarette Lighter |
ECM/TCM | Engine Control Module (ECM)/ Transmission Control Module (TCM) |
FSCM | Fuel Storage Control Module |
ISRVM | Inside Rearview Mirror |
CLUSTER | Instrument Panel Cluster |
AIR BAG | Airbag System |
OSRVM | Outside Rearview Mirror |
KEY CAP | Key Capture Solenoid |
WHL S/W | Steering Wheel Switch |
F/DR LCK | Front Driver Door Lock |
APO2 | Accessory Power Outlet 2 |
BCM (VB3) | Body Control Module (BCM) (VB3) |
DR LCK | Door Lock |
BCM (VB6) | Body Control Module (VB6) |
BCM (VB4) | Body Control Module (VB4) |
BCM (VB5) | Body Control Module (VB5) |
TRL | Trailer |
AIRCON | Air Conditioner |
AUDIO | Audio |
BCM (VB7) | Body Control Module (VB7) |
IGN SW | Ignition Switch |
AIR BAG | Air Bag System |
WASHER | Washer Pump |
APO1 | Accessory Power Outlet 1 |
FSCM | Fuel Storage Control Module |
RR CLR | Rear Closure |
BCM (VB2) | Body Control Module (VB2) |
DRL | Daytime Running Light |
BCM (VB1) | Body Control Module (VB1) |
ONSTAR | OnStar® |
Relays | Usage |
RELAY ACC/RAP | Accessory, Retained Accessory Power (RAP) Relay |
RELAY RUN/ CRANK | Run/Crank Relay |
WARNING: Terminal and harness assignments for individual connectors will vary depending on vehicle equipment level, model, and market.